Project 'Chindumba' a success!

Kinito and Gerrit

The project for Chin­dumba is going ex­tremely well. Many of the schools which we approached have con­tacted us with an offer of school desks, chairs, games, blackboards and other school materials. Besides all kinds of other useful stuff (- like 20 computers).

We would like to thank:

  • OBS De Dorpsakker (Assendelft)
  • OBS De Kroosduiker (Westzaan)
  • RKBS De Rietvink (Zaandam)
  • OBS Et Buut (Zaandam)
  • Saenredam College (Zaandijk)

Furthermore we would like to thank ZVH and Eigen Haard for offering free storage space for the duration of the project, translation consultants Porthola ( for all the Portuguese translations of our webpages and 't Veerlicht (, the congregation of the Free Evangelical Church in Raamsdonksveer, for donating money and kids toys for the children in Angola. Lastly we would like to thank in particular Sean Fitzpatrick ( for directing our promotional film. Watch it here.

To date we've collected:
Blackboards: 9x
Teacher desks: 6x
Desks: 81x
Chairs: 201x
Pieces of chalk: 2200x
20 working computers
Div. kids toys

Gratefully accepted !!


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